
Notarity is a web platform that enables notaries to offer their services online - easy, secure, location-independent.


Every software project faces a certain amount of challenges. In the case of Notarity these were:
  • To create legally binding signatures and documents, a notary is necessary
  • Usually these deeds can only be carried out in person due to lack of digital solutions and their quality
  • Available digital solutions are often too complex and require a technician for their handling


What is a project if not a means to achieve a goal? By getting together with our clients, we were able to pinpoint the following main goals:
  • A user friendly web app that carries out all necessary steps to lawfully fulfill a notarial act
  • A simple MVP to attract notaries as customers
  • Impress investors with a maximum viable product and short time-to-market period 🚀


In just 8 weeks we will create a working MVP. Starting with the sketch phase in the first week, we implement your product in the time between the second and seventh week. In week 8 we are ready to hand over your working product.


Week 1

2nd Iteration

Week 4 & 5


Week 8

1st Iteration

3rd Iteration

Craft Phase

Step 1: Initial Meeting

First things first. We need to make sure that we understand what our client really wants. In an initial meeting we learn about the project vision and define the overall goals of the project.
An illustration showing a lightbulp being built on a construction site which intends to demonstrate the idea being built in this phase.

Sketch Phase


Day 1 & 2

This phase marks the official start of the project - a 2 days workshop where all stakeholders sit together, discuss business & project goals, risks (general, tech, and management) and create a roadmap for the project. Our toolset to successfully get all the details: EventStorming, Domain Storytelling and a lot of post-its.

Workshop Deliverables

Two hands putting together a target disc.

Business goals

Three sketched images with pseudo text around them.

User Personas

A clipboard with checkboxes on it.


Two people talking about ideas.

Feature Brainstorming

Two people standing in front of a board and placing post-its on it.

User-Story Mapping

A person standing in front of a screen which shows an abstract version of a roadmap.


Filling the Backlog

Day 3

After the workshop, we have the user stories in our hands. Now it’s time to fill the backlog. Each user story is prioritized with the client and it is made sure that the most important stories get finished first.
A whiteboard with post its in it.

Selecting the Tech Stack

Day 3 & 4

Now that we know What we want to build, it’s time to decide How to build it. We make sure to choose a stack that’s flexible and fits well into our clients tech landscape.
For Notarity, we decided to go all-in with the Google Cloud Platform. The result was a fully scalable FaaS Backend combined with the bleeding-edge frontend framework: Svelte.

Wireframing and Mocking

Day 4

Now that we have discussed the technical side of the project, it's time to produce something visual. Best practice teaches us to start with wireframes instead of diving directly into a prototype so that's exactly what we do.
  • Target User Experience discussed with the client
  • Visualize the user journey with wireframes
  • Create mockups based on the wireframes
A wirefrmae of a website showing a pdf view in the middle and two placeholder frames for video at the bottom.

Craft Phase

After each Iteration, you as a client have a working product with a set of functionalities in hand. With each Iteration, this set grows until we reach a level which fulfills your needs as our client.

Iteration 1

Week 2 & 3

In the first iteration we produced a product with some basic functionalities which lay the groundwork for further iterations:
  • Appointments can be arranged
  • Documents can be uploaded
  • Video chats with a single person are possible
A mockup of a website with one video chat frame in the middle and some basic menu items

Iteration 2

Week 4 & 5

In the second iteration, the key features and functionalities are tackled:
  • Different documents are made avilable in a selection
  • Requesting a single signature is possible
  • P2P Video chat with several participants is possible
A mockup of a website with two video chat frames in the middle and some menu items

Iteration 3

Week 6 & 7

The final iteration puts the finishing touches on the MVP.
  • Different documents are available and displayed properly
  • Signature request and application is handled
  • P2P video chat with several participants works smoothly
A mockup of a website with menu items, two video chat frames at the bottom and a pdf view in the middle.


Week 9

Now that the product has all the functionality you need, it's time to hand it over. But wait! This is not the end of the story. Instead of handing you the product and leaving you to deal with it on your own, we'll walk through the first steps of deployment with you and remain available if any issues arise after the product has shipped.

In this phase we will:
  • Transfer the domain
  • Explain the documentation
  • Test the product against Event Storming scenarios
  • Construct a first analysis of the user activity

The Result

A process that enables notaries to offer their services online. All a notary needs are the e-mail addresses of his clients. The app handles the rest.

A laptop frame which has a mockup of the digital notary web-service in it.
A card with a logo and some text in it which has a check mark at the bottom right.
A card with a logo and some text in it which has a check mark at the bottom right.
A card with a logo and some text in it which has a check mark at the bottom right.
A card with a logo and some text in it which has a check mark at the bottom right.

Let's build your project next!

Ready to get your project started?

From rough ideas to detailed concepts. We love to talk about great visions.

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